Attorney Christine Brosnihan

265 West Main St

Dudley, MA 01571


Phone: 508-949-0080

Fax: 508-949-0027



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Attorney Brosnihan can be reached during the following hours:


Monday - Friday

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Use Contact Form for After Hours Consultation


How can we HELP?
How can we HELP?
Attorney Christine Brosnihan
Attorney Christine Brosnihan


If you have questions or want to make an appointment then contact us, please include a phone number. Please reach out if I do not respond.

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Attorney Christine Brosnihan

265A W Main St

Dudley, MA 01571


Phone: 508-949-0080


Fax: 508-987-0027




Business hours:


Monday through Friday 9-5 EST

Evenings and Weekend by Appointment






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